Friday, 10 February 2012
The Secrets of Victoria Secret
I first joined an online dating site because I was looking for someone special in my life and had not been able to meet any in my usual haunts. When I signed up, the first thing I had to complete was my personal profile so women would know all about me. I was a successful businessman who had leveraged a small inheritance into a respectable fortune in real estate. I had never been married, and I was looking to settle down with someone special.
After a few weeks of chatting with many a few classy seeming ladies, I finally someone who I seemed to click with. As is normal on dating sites, we first emailed each other. Eventually we arranged mutual times when we could chat together. I found the video chat best because you can see the expressions on their face while they are talking to you. It was a few more weeks before we decided to meet in person on a date. We had decided to meet at a local restaurant that was more of a family style place than anything you would normally associate with a quiet first date. I thought at first that she was just stringing me along because she kept refusing my suggestions for more intimate locations. But I finally realized that she was just being careful. With that realization in mind, I was able to suggest something she was okay with in a few minutes.
I wanted to look presentable, so I got a haircut, and picked up a new blazer type jacket to go with my slacks. I am not one to take a chauvinistic outlook on women. I like to treat them better than the careless look that some guys portray. You know the look that was made famous by CSI – the Ashton Kutcher look of 'I am so hot and important that I can go around with a scruffy beard and blue jeans and everyone will fall at my feet. I think that taking the time to dress well for a date shows your respect for a woman. It tells her that you care. It is a tacit compliment to them that if you fix yourself up, you must think highly of them. Needless to say, I shaved, and dressed in something appropriate for the restaurant, but something a lot classier than faded blue jeans.
As per my usual practice, I arrived at the restaurant early and ensured that our reservations were okay. Once there, I waited at the front of the restaurant for her to arrive. When she arrived, I was pleasantly surprised, almost stunned actually. She was even more beautiful than her picture. But it was not her face that was so special. There is just something that some women have when they move that makes you want to praise God and sing hallelujah to his greatest accomplishment, the female body. This girl just oozed that out of every pore of her body. She was perfectly formed, but although that helped attract eyes to her in the first place, it is not what held them. It was just the amazing grace that she had when she entered the room. It was an angelic flow of movement that you just could not get enough of. Every mans eyes in the place watched her as she moved across the room. She was perfectly proportioned in every way. It took all the willpower I possessed not to drool.
I am not one who is attracted by huge headlights (breasts) on women. I rather like trim women, and think that small breasts are perky and cute. The same goes for butts, legs and everything else. Now of course there have been notable exceptions.Take Delta Burke. She has to be one of the most beautiful women ever created. But her beauty was most exemplified when she moved. She was a woman who had that presence that I talked about earlier. She just commanded attention.
Even with my bias to slimmer figures, I detest the anemic beanpoles that seem to be the darlings of the fashion industry. It amazes me that these freaks of nature, and defacto poster children of starving nations, can actually sell clothes. Maybe all the fashion buyers in the world have freak fetishes or something. Normally though, it is the woman with a slender trim body who will attract my eyes over any woman with ponderous, gelatinous breasts. To my mind, Jello should jiggle, not bodies. My date on the other hand seemed to have the best of both body types and the disadvantages of neither. No wonder mens heads turned! My eyes kept coming back to her body as she moved. She was shapely, but it looked tight and toned. She was shapely, but that shape was all attached to a slim, firm, long torso. Her breasts seemed to be trying to break out of her dress, and her caboose was doing a number that was entertaining to watch. Her rear was sort of like what a dancer would have. Muscular and tight. Truly a nice package to look at.
We ate dinner and really enjoyed each other's company. Since it was a first date, I had not planned a lot of extra anything beyond the meal. As it turns out, we just lingered over our dinner and chatted for most of the evening. Eventually I took her home, and we kissed goodnight. As far as first dates go I would have scored it a nine out of ten. We agreed to see each other again the following weekend.
The next date went even better if that was possible. We met on Saturday for coffee in the afternoon, took in a movie and then had supper. After dinner, we went dancing at a small club. I have to admit though, that when we were dancing, her body felt a little odd to me, but I did not think too much of it. The following weekend, we went out again. During the day we just walked through a park, and afterwards we did dinner and dancing. I could not believe how good things were going.
That night, we kissed, and that led to other things. While we were desperately ripping off each other's clothes, I ran into some significant surprises. She was wearing a Victoria Secret triple push up bra with (I guess you would call it) mammary foam (rather than memory foam) that exaggerated her bra size significantly. But I was okay with that, because I am not a fan of large boobs anyway. On top of that, she was trim and tight because she was wearing a body shaper. When removed, she showed no sign of the muscle tone I had imagined. Instead, there was a bit of flab. The last straw for me was the false bum. She was actually wearing something that accentuated her ass! Holey moley, a body phony! She was her own body double. I was disillusioned beyond belief!
Well that took the wind out of my sales and the stiffness out of everything else. I asked her how could we expect to have a future together when everything about her was a lie. I then told her that I was confused as to why she thought that she had to build herself up for me. I said that preferred her the way she actually was, but she had crossed a trust line with me that I could not get over. We parted ways that night, which is a shame really. She was so perfect for me otherwise.
I just do not understand the way that some people go through life pretending to be something that they are not. But in hindsight, maybe it was actually a good thing that had happened. After all, I never did have to tell her that I just sold shoes for a living.
For more fun dating stories and dating advice try the following link:
Dating Humor
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