Monday, 15 October 2012
Sleepover Necessities
At some point when dating a woman, there comes a time when you will be sleeping over. Even if sleeping over is an irregular affair, it is smart to have a kit prepared just in case. Personally, when I go on my first date with someone, I have a sleepover kit stashed in the trunk of my car just in case. Everything I list here would fit in a normal sized backpack, which could easily be stored at the bottom of her closet of under her bed. So see my example list below, tailor it to suit your needs, and make one up today, especially if you have a hot date tonight!
Something For Your Feet
You never know what the floor is going to be like at a stranger’s place, especially first thing in the morning. Pick up some cheapo slippers so you have something to slip on if you have to hit the john in the middle of the night. Nothing is worse than going back to bed with cold feet.
For your own protection, and hers, these little babies are essential. But make sure you get the right size. I cursed them for years before I realized that I was bigger around than average. The regular size were downright painful to wear. Variety in type is also a good idea. Get yourself some of the new fangled rubbers they’ve got out now. Have some laughs with it and mutually decide which ones you both like best. Even the ones that are not short listed can be interesting to try out!
Similar in concept to the footwear, you should consider bringing a track suit in your overnight bag. Likely her landlord lowers the temperature at night to save moola. In my mind, better too hot and remove something than too cold and freeze. Bring layers of clothes – it never hurts.
Toothbrush and Toothpaste
Having fresh breath and a clean smile just makes sense. Nothing is less sexy than having a big piece of spinach stuck on your teeth. And since using someone else's toothbrush is just gross, take your own. Do not forget to buy a travel size tube of your favorite toothpaste as well. Might as well have at least some of the comforts of home.
Candles are always good to help set the mood, even over a pizza. Candles in the bedroom are also pretty cool. And another useful piece of advice is to keep candles in your car in case you get stranded in a snow storm! LOL
Brigitte Jone's Diary
This movie is one of the greats for getting a woman into a romantic move. So the idea here is to make sure that you have it handy for the next time that you are sitting around bored, there is nothing on TV, and the video stores are closed. In any event, the content is good, so it bears multiple viewings. It may not be a Bruce Willis shoot-em up movie, but if it gets you shooting your own gun later in the evening, that makes it great content!
Romantic Card With A Victoria Secret Gift Card Inside
This is probably the coolest idea that you ever heard of! Pick up a romantic looking card that does not have any writing on it, but has a nice picture on front. Inside, you tape in a card to her favorite lingerie store Now write a thoughtful phrase inside that expresses how much you love her. Something like, “On this special day, I give all my love to you. I became the luckiest man in the world the day I met you”. You have to make sure that whatever you write does not have any reference to any particular special occasion or special day. Then on the fateful day you forget your anniversary, or her birthday, or whatever - (and you will) - you grab the card, hand it to her, and you’re saved. You’re welcome.
Ear Plugs
No matter how pretty she is, there is a good chance that some day she will snore and keep you awake. Once again the sleepover kit comes to the rescue! Just make sure that you never use them while she is talking to you.
Blind Fold For Sleeping
Some women have bedrooms that face the rising sun, and that fill with light early in the morning. Some women can sleep through this blinding light, but if you can’t you’re prepared. Plus, you or she can wear it if you want to have some kinky sex.
Something To Wear The Next Day
An emergency change of clothes is essential as well. I mean, after all, if you do not have spare clothes and something happens, you will have to dress in drag.
Sade Disk
In many cases musical tastes can differ, and this is probably a good thing for the most part. However, when it comes time to play something to enjoy while lovemaking, if she’s only got a bunch of Backstreet Boys albums, it can be hard to stay the course. No matter who you are, Sade can set the right mood.
It is always a good idea to have a book in case she has to go do something and leaves you alone in her room. It prevents you from snooping, and it makes you look smart when she comes back and you’re reading. Stay away from nudie books. Most women hate that. If you can stomach it, try bringing and reading the latest Nicholas Sparks book.
So, there you go. A great idea, easy to make, and invaluable.
For more advice, check out this link:
If you do not have a honey of your own yet to make a kit for, check out this link:
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