Wednesday, 7 November 2012
Thoughtless Thinking!
This is a story from when I had just started in the work world.I was working in a small town store that sold stereos, television sets, pianos, organs, and appliances. I had been married quite recently and could not afford to do much after work. The store only had a few people working there. The sales staff consisted of myself, my boss, and an experienced sales lady. The other two staff were primarily bookkeepers, but they were involved in taking cash as well as customer credit applications. One of the bookkeepers was in her 70's. She was an aged spinster and the boss kept her employed for sentimental reasons. She had been with the store for 35 years after all. The other bookkeeper was a young girl in her early twenties. She did most of the details of bookkeeping under the day to day direction of the older lady. They were like oil and water most of the time, so the work environment in that part of the store was a bit acerbic at times.
Back then, stores were closed on Sundays. Every Monday morning we would tend to shoot the breeze about what we had done on Saturday Night and Sunday. With the tight finances of being married recently, my wife and I usually just did very inexpensive things like play cards at friends houses. The old lady apparently had a taste for scotch, or at least that is what I had been told. She usually just went to church on Sundays, and hung around drinking 'tea' with her friends. The other sales associate was a woman around 55 years old who spent most of her weekend cooking for her family and extended family. The boss seldom showed up before 10:00 AM which is why we got to BS over coffee before 10:00 every day.
Now Cathy, the junior accounting clerk, was in a class of her own. She spent nearly every weekend frequenting the local pubs with her girlfriends. They would move from club to club in a pack looking for fun. Ultimately, they were all looking for the man of their dreams to marry. Defacto, most of our Monday morning chats ended up centered on Cathy's latest life drama. She could make the most common occurrences sound like a major stage production. Likely she would have been better served in the movie industry. Cathy would never win a beauty contest, but she would never come in dead last either. She was a bit heavier that some of her friends but not so much that you would even remark on it. Unfortunately she fixated on her slight weight issue as being the bane of her existence and why she was not having any luck landing her prince charming. All of the rest of the staff had a different opinion though. We all felt her problem was her attitude. This is best typified by the following story.
One particular Monday, Cathy was talking about her Saturday night. As usual she had been out with her pack of girls. She complained that she never got to dance a single dance on Saturday night, and that the whole evening was a bust. She then proceeded to mention about a guy who had come up to their table just as they were sitting down and asked one of her crowd to dance, but was turned down. He asked each of the other girls at the table, and they all turned him down too, including Cathy. Over the next hour, she had watched him ask other girls in the club, who all turned him down, so he left. She shook her head and said that she couldn't believe how stupid he had been to do that. I asked her why it was stupid, because from my point of view it looked like he just wanted to dance.
She said that once one of the girls at her table had turned him down, it was pointless to ask the others because there is no way they could say yes to him. If they had, it would be admitting to the other girls that they were not as good as they were. Since she had my curiosity piqued, I asked her for more of an explanation. She said that once he had been turned down by her entire table, he might as well have walked out. No other girl in the club would have said yes at that point. When I asked why, she said that it would have made them seem needy. Like they would just dance with anybody else's leavings.
In an effort to truly understand what to me was a twisted point of view, I asked her some more questions. I asked him if he was someone that women would not want to be caught dead with because he had warts on his face or something. She said that he was actually quite good looking, and she had been hoping for weeks that he would ask her to dance. So I asked if she knew why the first girl had turned him down. She said it was just because they did not even have a chance to take of their coats yet or order drinks or anything. So I asked her if the guy would have asked her (Cathy) first would she have danced with him. She said of course she would have. My eyes were now crossing trying to follow this distorted logic.
At this juncture, I summarized my understanding to make sure I had not missed anything. I said, you knew that your friend had turned him down not because she was not interested, but because she was tired. She said that was right. I suggested that she ended up having a crappy evening because she had turned down the one guy who asked her to dance with him. She said, yes, sometimes you can be unlucky.
By now, I was feeling that I should show her the errors of her ways, so I asked a few more questions. I asked her that if she was a guy, who at the table would she have asked to dance first. She said she would have asked the girl that he asked first because she was cuter. But then she proceeded to say that the cuter girl did not have as good a personality as she did. So I asked if she had ever actually talked to the guy other than to turn him down, and she said no. So I asked her how was he ever to know that she had a better personality if she did not talk to him when she had the opportunity. She looked at me like I had the thinking prowess of a great ape. She said, “I already told you that I couldn't! Weren't you listening”? I gave up at that point.
A week or two later, I noticed that Cathy was moping around for a couple of days. So I cajoled her into telling me what her problem was. She said that the guy she really liked had shown up with a new girlfriend on his arm, and they danced all night. She said that the girl was not that good looking, and was not even a good dancer. I told her it was too bad that she had flubbed her opportunity to show him what a nice person she was. Once again, she looked at me like I was some neanderthal from the ice age. “I told you I could not say yes to him. How many times do I have to repeat myself!”, she said. A year or so later, the guy married the girl, and Cathy was beside herself. She was months getting over it. She never had actually talked to the guy.
I did not stay at that store much longer. I found a much better paying job with a more stable future elsewhere in the city. I trained the guy who replaced me and we became passing friends. He stayed on for ten years. At the time he left, Cathy had been promoted to senior bookkeeper after the older lady died. She was, however, still unmarried with no steady boyfriend. She was still prowling the bars with her friends on the weekend. She still had not found her prince charming.
I guess she never changed!
For more advice with online dating and male – female relationships, follow the link below:
Relationships Advice For Men
Friday, 26 October 2012
Kinky Dates
Once in a while, the universe will smile on a single man and hook him up with an open-minded and adventurous woman in his dating life. This might be a woman who represses her urges, even looking prim and proper during the day, but who lets her hair out for the evening. Waaay Out! For this type of lady, you have to take her somewhere crazy, or somewhere to excite her. Here are a few ideas to get your brain in the right mindset to keep a woman like this happy.
Strip Club
If your women has any sorts of bi-sexual tendencies, she will likely jump at the chance to go to a strip bar. I mean, she will likely enjoy the action as much as you! She might even buy you a lap dance, and vise-versa! There are some memories to last a lifetime! Many strippers are bi-sexual, or into threesomes, so if you want to really be out there, you might find that the girl on stage can be persuaded into a menage a trois.
Sex Toy Shopping
If you’re at the point in your dating relationship with the kinky lady, a great date idea is the adult shop. Relaxing your normal inhibitions a bit by having a couple of drinks before going never hurts. It takes the pressure off, and just makes things a bit more fun. Then you can walk through the aisles and find out what makes her blush. Ask her if there is anything that she is curious about that she might want to try. Tell her what kinds of things that you would like to try. Hold sexy outfits next to her and see how she would look in it. This always help get her into the game. If you approach it right, there is nothing but fun and good times to be had in a sex shop. A word of caution here. Most quality shops are pretty expensive, and there is a no-returns policy on just about everything. Make sure you can bankroll the trip before embarking on it.
Strangers Meeting Role-Play
A fun and kinky date is one in which you pretend to be strangers that meet at the bar, and then you seduce each other using your different persona. Act like you don’t know each other and meet at a hotel bar. Buy her a drink and start chatting her up. Watch the bartender get more and more impressed the more and more she seems to be interested in you. Then, rent one of the rooms in the hotel and get the sheets dirty, if you know what I mean. She can play “Nurse Naughty”, “Sex Teacher”, “Marion the Librarian”, almost anything.
If you are having trouble picking an idea, just write all your ideas down on a list, put it on a dart board and throw a dart to see which one to select. Adds an element of fun to it. But the rule is, whatever the dart selects, you have to do!
S&M Parlor
For a real change of pace, consider Bondage. It requires that you fully trust your partner, and that may actually add to your relationship. Lots of people like the bondage and domination part of it. Saddo is not everyone's cup of tea.. Most regular practitioners are into the bondage side of things rather than the domination or the saddo masochism, so do not let the idea scare you. In any event, these parlors cater to both experienced people and newbies. Give it a try!
Well, that should get you started. If you do not have a lot of room for costumes, consider renting them. Look around and see if you can find fetish parties, murder mystery parties, or even sex theme hotel rooms. The key is to make it fun, interesting, and above all KINKY!
For more ideas try this link:
Fun Dating Advice for Men
Monday, 15 October 2012
Sleepover Necessities
At some point when dating a woman, there comes a time when you will be sleeping over. Even if sleeping over is an irregular affair, it is smart to have a kit prepared just in case. Personally, when I go on my first date with someone, I have a sleepover kit stashed in the trunk of my car just in case. Everything I list here would fit in a normal sized backpack, which could easily be stored at the bottom of her closet of under her bed. So see my example list below, tailor it to suit your needs, and make one up today, especially if you have a hot date tonight!
Something For Your Feet
You never know what the floor is going to be like at a stranger’s place, especially first thing in the morning. Pick up some cheapo slippers so you have something to slip on if you have to hit the john in the middle of the night. Nothing is worse than going back to bed with cold feet.
For your own protection, and hers, these little babies are essential. But make sure you get the right size. I cursed them for years before I realized that I was bigger around than average. The regular size were downright painful to wear. Variety in type is also a good idea. Get yourself some of the new fangled rubbers they’ve got out now. Have some laughs with it and mutually decide which ones you both like best. Even the ones that are not short listed can be interesting to try out!
Similar in concept to the footwear, you should consider bringing a track suit in your overnight bag. Likely her landlord lowers the temperature at night to save moola. In my mind, better too hot and remove something than too cold and freeze. Bring layers of clothes – it never hurts.
Toothbrush and Toothpaste
Having fresh breath and a clean smile just makes sense. Nothing is less sexy than having a big piece of spinach stuck on your teeth. And since using someone else's toothbrush is just gross, take your own. Do not forget to buy a travel size tube of your favorite toothpaste as well. Might as well have at least some of the comforts of home.
Candles are always good to help set the mood, even over a pizza. Candles in the bedroom are also pretty cool. And another useful piece of advice is to keep candles in your car in case you get stranded in a snow storm! LOL
Brigitte Jone's Diary
This movie is one of the greats for getting a woman into a romantic move. So the idea here is to make sure that you have it handy for the next time that you are sitting around bored, there is nothing on TV, and the video stores are closed. In any event, the content is good, so it bears multiple viewings. It may not be a Bruce Willis shoot-em up movie, but if it gets you shooting your own gun later in the evening, that makes it great content!
Romantic Card With A Victoria Secret Gift Card Inside
This is probably the coolest idea that you ever heard of! Pick up a romantic looking card that does not have any writing on it, but has a nice picture on front. Inside, you tape in a card to her favorite lingerie store Now write a thoughtful phrase inside that expresses how much you love her. Something like, “On this special day, I give all my love to you. I became the luckiest man in the world the day I met you”. You have to make sure that whatever you write does not have any reference to any particular special occasion or special day. Then on the fateful day you forget your anniversary, or her birthday, or whatever - (and you will) - you grab the card, hand it to her, and you’re saved. You’re welcome.
Ear Plugs
No matter how pretty she is, there is a good chance that some day she will snore and keep you awake. Once again the sleepover kit comes to the rescue! Just make sure that you never use them while she is talking to you.
Blind Fold For Sleeping
Some women have bedrooms that face the rising sun, and that fill with light early in the morning. Some women can sleep through this blinding light, but if you can’t you’re prepared. Plus, you or she can wear it if you want to have some kinky sex.
Something To Wear The Next Day
An emergency change of clothes is essential as well. I mean, after all, if you do not have spare clothes and something happens, you will have to dress in drag.
Sade Disk
In many cases musical tastes can differ, and this is probably a good thing for the most part. However, when it comes time to play something to enjoy while lovemaking, if she’s only got a bunch of Backstreet Boys albums, it can be hard to stay the course. No matter who you are, Sade can set the right mood.
It is always a good idea to have a book in case she has to go do something and leaves you alone in her room. It prevents you from snooping, and it makes you look smart when she comes back and you’re reading. Stay away from nudie books. Most women hate that. If you can stomach it, try bringing and reading the latest Nicholas Sparks book.
So, there you go. A great idea, easy to make, and invaluable.
For more advice, check out this link:
If you do not have a honey of your own yet to make a kit for, check out this link:
Tuesday, 9 October 2012
The Cost Plus Items of Dating
Life around a new woman in your life is just more costly. The fact is inevitable, even though it is seldom discussed in polite company. Men are all over the concept of picking up the tab when dating. A couple of times a week is not too bad. But when they move in, the couple of times a week is still expected, on top of the other expenses of someone else in the house. Seems like the only people to save money when a woman moves in with a guy is the woman. Somehow, guys just do not have a good way of getting them to pick up their share of the costs. Some of these are beyond the experience of someone who has never been on the sugar daddy side of male female relationship before. Here are a few that you might not have considered:
1. Increased Toilet Paper
I am not sure why, but women seem to go through a mess of toilet paper. Guys seldom go through a roll a week. Women average a couple of days per. You can fully expect your tissue consumption to increase three fold when a woman lands on your doorstep. They use toilet paper for just about any thing you can imagine. Besides the usual stuff, it is also handy for removing makeup, cleaning powder off the vanity, removing nail polish, cleaning up spilled nail polish, the list goes on.
2. Britta filters
Ladies Magazines and every diet book ever written says that drinking lots of water is the secret to losing weight and staying healthy, and women literally drink that up! That means that you are going to go through a lot more, very expensive, water filters. And if you do not use a water filter, you will by buying cases of water.
3. Skin Cream
Find out what kind of lotions that she uses and stock some in your bathroom. This is a fine touch that telegraphs "I love you" to her, and nothing melts a woman's heart than considerate actions. On top of this, you should also keep a large bottle of skin moisturizer on hand, preferably something that she uses as well. Besides the obvious benefit of her loving you for the gesture, the moisturizer cream can double as a massage oil. Gotta love that!
4. Ice Cream Sandwiches
It could be just the lady that I am hooked up with, but I now have to buy that food item weekly!
5. Ice Wines
Most guys have never bought a dessert wine in their lives, but when you’re dating a woman, expect to pick one of these little, expensive bottles of sugar juice whenever you have a dinner party. BTW - what kind of dessert wine goes with ice cream sandwiches?
6. Tampons
Accept it. She’ll appreciate it, and it’s only slightly embarrassing at the drug store.
7. Candles
They aren’t expensive, but they are great at setting a romantic mood. If you’re lucky, you’ll go through these fast. Much better than getting frisky by the light of your oven.
8. Frozen Yoghurt
Here is something that you will just have to become accustomed to when a women is around. It is called Probiotics Yoghurt. Probiotics is a friendly bacteria that is important to your overall health. Women eat it for other reasons. The main one is that hit helps tremendously if they are prone to yeast infections and/or bladder infections. Either way, most women eat it, and of course you will be expected to as well. So here is my secret on this little item. Find "Activia Probiotics 'Desert' Yoghurt" – it comes in several flavors. And do not mix it up with the regular "Activia Probiotics Yoghurt". That little item 'desert' in the label makes all the differenct to me. The desert stuff does not in any way taste like yoghurt. In fact it almost tastes like pudding to me. In any event, buy this stuff. You will like it, and your girlfriend will reap the rewards as well. And if her female parts remain in good shape because of it, then you will get a lot warmer reaction to any advances that you make, and much more frequently.
9. Sex Aids
It’s always great when you and your lady go into the adult store for some items for the bedroom. However, they are super expensive! Avoid the stuff made of plastic from China. Get silicone for best quality.
10. Give Her Some Space
Clean out a drawer for her and give her some closet space as well. Some turf on your turf for her spare unmentionables, slippers, and toothbrush will bring you huge rewards. So spend some time and make her some room! You'll be glad you did.
11. Internet Bandwidth
If your woman is anything like my woman, there will be a lot more cat videos being watched on your computer. That translates into bandwidth you have to buy. To be fair, some of the cat videos are kind of funny.
12. Doodads, Candles and Frilly Things
The title says it all. You get the picture. They will slowly make over your digs to be more female friendly. They cannot help it, it is just the way they are built!
13. Birthdays, Anniversary, Valentines, Christmas
It seems like every month has some sort of holiday or anniversary that you have to observe. That means buying presents, cards, wrapping paper, chocolates, and cakes. Of course, you’ll probably get a nice present in return, later that night.
And be prepared to cede a lot of territory in the process.
If you do not have someone special in your life and are looking, you might want to check out this online dating link for sites you can join.
Online Dating
Thursday, 13 September 2012
What Do College Students Want
Now don't get me wrong, I'm not completely around the bend or anything like that, but please stop telling me to enjoy being single because “one day” I might find myself with a wife, children and an expensive apartment, being single is not what I want to be for the rest of my life. I have been single for all my life, single is my closest companion, I have had more relationship problem's than relationships, I want to have a real relationship with someone other than my pet rat, college dating can by trying at best. Why does it seem like everyone else is successful in relationships but me, Losing in love has become a habit that is getting harder and harder to break.
I once asked someone close to me (no not my pet monkey), but rather a college friend how they do it, I explained to her that when I go to get togethers, the other girls seem to have no problem approaching the guys, but no matter who I take a shine to, I am constantly outmaneuvered by other women who walk away with the trophy. Her answer was to ask me if I would let someone elbow me out of line at the bank. I replied I would kick them and tell then to get in line and wait their turn like everyone else. She said excellent, the next time some babe tries to steal your man toy just push her aside, grab the guy and make him yours. Maybe I should have asked my gold fish.
College guys are a complete mystery to me, I'm a smart attractive coed but they act like I am a wart on their butts sometimes. The ones I do go out with are only interested in sexual stimulation, for most college guys you have to put our or get the hell out, so I'd rather get out.
But its not just me that has problems, there are some college boys that have the same problem with college girls. It seems if you won't go to bed with them they want nothing to do with you, its too bad because most people have more to offer than just sex. The guys tell me that many of the coeds want them have sex with them off the get go and if they want to wait a bit she spreads rumors that they're gay. Most of these poor unfortunates are great guys that respect women and don't just think of them as an easy piece, why can't these women see that these men will not accept this sort of treatment.
However there might be a silver lining to this cloud, several of the men and women have decided to signup to some of the better online college dating sites. They have heard some amazing stories from other college students who met their dream date on one of the college dating sites. They said the people on these sites don't care don't care if you work out or not and they are into more activities than just sex, sex, sex, they're really nice people, and college students like us. They have a life plan that includes more than just getting through the current semester. They are interested in finding that certain person and one day settling down. My best friend met his future wife on an online college dating site, I was surprised because it happened so quickly, that they were an item before I knew he was going to join an online dating site.
My friends have been so successful that I have decided to try it for myself. My friends told me about this site they found that lists and ranks a bunch of online dating sites, and they have an entire page on just college dating sites. This is where they started and they recommend it to everyone. Who knows maybe I'll finally find someone who is caring and decent. If you are in college or looking to date someone who is in college why don't you follow this link:
Coed Dating
Wednesday, 8 August 2012
Secrets Of A Successful First Date
First dates are your best opportunity to dazzle someone. But it is also the most likely point where you will turn them off forever. A lot is riding on the line here. You are walking a tightrope between keeping the discussion animated and boring her with your exploits. The line between complimenting them or just being creepy. Or the line between being dazzling or being a dud. It is important that you are genuine with them as to who you are. Do not put on a big act about being prince charming if you would never normally think of opening a door for someone. On the other hand, do not go out of your way to be a slob either, even if that is how you tend to be in private. With the importance of a first date in mind and the possible pitfalls, I have compiled for you a list of don't s that you need to avoid on a first date. I know because I have committed all of them at least once.
1. Crank One Out
This concept was first introduced to the mass public in the movie "There's Something About Mary" – starring Ben Stiller , Cameron Diaz and Matt Dillon Either before, or during your pre-date shower, jerk yourself off. Once you have drained your libido, you are less likely to do something embarrassing like get a hard-on. Also, you will find that you can focus better and concentrate more on what your date is saying rather than just daydreaming about getting her between the sheets later. If you are too horny on a date, you will just end up stumble tongued and will likely just stare at her legs and breasts all night. A sure date ender for most women. You may try your best to listen, but your mind will be elsewhere and you will not be able to keep up an intelligent conversation. The biggest advantage of an empty barrel is that if the evening goes particularly well and you do end up in bed, you will last longer and be better able to satisfy her. And you will likely be able to control yourself to let her orgasm multiple times. Do that and she will be your sex slave forever.
2. Get Her Name Right
If you have never made the mistake of getting a girl's name wrong on the first place, let me tell you, it is not pretty. It is pretty much all downhill from that moment. To make sure you don’t make this blunder, write her name on your cell phone and check it throughout the night to remind yourself.
3. Eat Small Bites
Taking small bites allows you to be able to participate in your side of a conversation more quickly. Also, have the courteously to try to pace our your side of the conversation so you end just at the point she is swallowing. It allows for a good pace, and no awkward silences. I was on a first date once, and started to talk with my mouth still half full. A piece of my dinner flew out of my mouth and we both watched it land right in the middle of her cleavage. Disgusting! The evening abruptly ended moments later. I never saw her again.
4. If You Watch Porn, Keep It Private
She does not want to know that you are into granny porn! At least not yet. Make a habit of tidying up your apartment before every date, just in case. And that means hiding the porn as well. Do not forget to check your DVD player as well. It would be less than optimal for your evening's prospects to power up your DVD to watch The Notebook only to have it auto load the last DVD that you watched. Hot Horny Grannies of Mulholland Drive is not likely to impress.
5. Don’t Get Too Drunk
Alcohol of some sort is almost a given on a first date. It can really help some initial timidity on the part of both people. However, it can also make you look like a total jackass. Limit yourself to two alcoholic drinks. When the waiter asks you for your drink order, have them also bring a large bottle of either flat water or sparkling water to the table. This allows you to drink mostly water. Making mistakes and drinking too much is a common mistake. One I have made myself. But the results speak for themselves. Only one time did my drinking excessively not get in the way of subsequent dates, and that was when my date turned out to be a complete lush. It was fun at first, but I broke it off after a few months.
6. The Ex Is Verboten
Talking about an ex in specifics is a mistake. She really does not care about your failed relationships. She wants to know if there is any possibility of building a relationships with you. Keep conversation light and fun. Read a few magazines in the afternoon before your date so you have interesting things to talk about. You have to keep her happy and communicating with you. Without that, you will not get a second chance.
With any luck, you can pick up on a few of the insights that I have gained over the years to make you a master of first dates.
For more insights, try this link:
How To Keep Women Happy
1. Crank One Out
This concept was first introduced to the mass public in the movie "There's Something About Mary" – starring Ben Stiller , Cameron Diaz and Matt Dillon Either before, or during your pre-date shower, jerk yourself off. Once you have drained your libido, you are less likely to do something embarrassing like get a hard-on. Also, you will find that you can focus better and concentrate more on what your date is saying rather than just daydreaming about getting her between the sheets later. If you are too horny on a date, you will just end up stumble tongued and will likely just stare at her legs and breasts all night. A sure date ender for most women. You may try your best to listen, but your mind will be elsewhere and you will not be able to keep up an intelligent conversation. The biggest advantage of an empty barrel is that if the evening goes particularly well and you do end up in bed, you will last longer and be better able to satisfy her. And you will likely be able to control yourself to let her orgasm multiple times. Do that and she will be your sex slave forever.
2. Get Her Name Right
If you have never made the mistake of getting a girl's name wrong on the first place, let me tell you, it is not pretty. It is pretty much all downhill from that moment. To make sure you don’t make this blunder, write her name on your cell phone and check it throughout the night to remind yourself.
3. Eat Small Bites
Taking small bites allows you to be able to participate in your side of a conversation more quickly. Also, have the courteously to try to pace our your side of the conversation so you end just at the point she is swallowing. It allows for a good pace, and no awkward silences. I was on a first date once, and started to talk with my mouth still half full. A piece of my dinner flew out of my mouth and we both watched it land right in the middle of her cleavage. Disgusting! The evening abruptly ended moments later. I never saw her again.
4. If You Watch Porn, Keep It Private
She does not want to know that you are into granny porn! At least not yet. Make a habit of tidying up your apartment before every date, just in case. And that means hiding the porn as well. Do not forget to check your DVD player as well. It would be less than optimal for your evening's prospects to power up your DVD to watch The Notebook only to have it auto load the last DVD that you watched. Hot Horny Grannies of Mulholland Drive is not likely to impress.
5. Don’t Get Too Drunk
Alcohol of some sort is almost a given on a first date. It can really help some initial timidity on the part of both people. However, it can also make you look like a total jackass. Limit yourself to two alcoholic drinks. When the waiter asks you for your drink order, have them also bring a large bottle of either flat water or sparkling water to the table. This allows you to drink mostly water. Making mistakes and drinking too much is a common mistake. One I have made myself. But the results speak for themselves. Only one time did my drinking excessively not get in the way of subsequent dates, and that was when my date turned out to be a complete lush. It was fun at first, but I broke it off after a few months.
6. The Ex Is Verboten
Talking about an ex in specifics is a mistake. She really does not care about your failed relationships. She wants to know if there is any possibility of building a relationships with you. Keep conversation light and fun. Read a few magazines in the afternoon before your date so you have interesting things to talk about. You have to keep her happy and communicating with you. Without that, you will not get a second chance.
With any luck, you can pick up on a few of the insights that I have gained over the years to make you a master of first dates.
For more insights, try this link:
How To Keep Women Happy
Friday, 20 July 2012
Do You Have Problems Dating Women
If you are looking for tips on dating women, then this information will give you a few ideas. When you are successful with women on a first date, they will likely be open for other dates, no matter how much money you have in your bank account or how you look. There is one key ingredient, and that is charm, charm, charm. Although there is such a thing as too nice, girls will tend to forgive that. There is however, a few must not dos such as:
1) Do not be too subservient such as
a. Making her feel so important that you are less in her eyes. If you are praising her or giving her a complement, do it jokingly. You will achieve the complement without appearing to be subservient.
b. Asking her to compare you former lovers – on a first date you will look like less because of the lack of history Do not push this rhetorical button; it is too soon to get into this depth of conversation.
c. Delegating control of the date to her. Questions should not be open ended. If you are not sure of where she would like to go, then give her a list of two, or at most three choices of things to do next. If she is not happy with any of them, then you have have not done sufficient research as to what her preferences are. You have screwed up, you deserve to be dumped. (On subsequent dates, you can solicit input, but on a first date you should appear to be on top, well planned, but flexible).
2) The next common mistake is trying to impress her too much. Do not boast and crow, and keep mum on your financial information. Just be a interested partner, hear and remember what she says, and pick up the bill. The first date is all about her, it is not about you. If she asks questions, then answer them in something more than one word answers, but no answer should take longer than one minute, or else you are in the danger zone of saying too much and coming across as boasting or bragging.
3) Do not do not make her out to be a princess. That advice is more important if the woman is really attractive. Very pretty women are used to being on a pedestal. Did you ever notice how often that really attractive women are dating bums? That is because the bums treat them normally and they feel like they are being appreciated for what they are. In many cases the hoods treat them like crap, but they like that because at least the bum is treating them differently than everyone else does. Nothing is more tiring to beautiful women as getting an unsolicited compliment – they have heard it all before. The more successful tack is to just ask them something about themselves, such as what they are doing, where they work, etc.
4) Being exclusive too soon in a relationship. both of you should be initially playing the field. If you seem too willing to commit exclusively, you will seem needy and diminished in their eyes. No woman wants to be dating a needy loser. You have to come across as confident with women, and therefore more interesting in her eyes.
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